RapidWeaver Classroom Updates

WP-Blog Plugin Tutorials Now Available


New tutorials on the WP-Blog plugin have been added to the RapidWeaver Classroom curriculum, and are available to subscribers now. The WP-Blog plugin allows you to integrate a WordPress blog with your RapidWeaver website. This offers you the flexibility of blogging with the WordPress platform through your browser, while integrating the blog with your RapidWeaver website, achieving a consistent look and user experience.

Use of the WP-Blog plugin requires that you install the WordPress software on your server. The software is available for free through WordPress.org, though many web hosting providers have WordPress available as a quick install through the control panel. In this series of tutorials, I show both methods of installing WordPress on a hosting server, and walk you through all the details of setting up and configuring the WP-Blog plugin.

The WP-Blog plugin is a great alternative to RapidWeaver’s built-in blog page, so if you are interested in the flexibility of blogging outside of RapidWeaver, then WP-Blog is worth a look. RapidWeaver Classroom also provides tutorials on a couple of other blogging alternatives, such as the RapidBlog plugin and the Tumblr Stack from Joe Workman.

This is just the start of new content coming to RapidWeaver Classroom in July. Check back soon for more information on new tutorials!

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