RapidWeaver Classroom Updates

Theme Banner/Slideshow and Responsive YouTube Embed Tutorials


Overview of New Updates I have added two new tutorials to the Classroom curriculum this week. One tutorial discusses customization of banners and slideshows in 3rd-party RapidWeaver themes, and the other demonstrates how to embed a responsive YouTube video.

Instructions for Classroom Subscribers Login here to access your account, then navigate to the Classroom curriculum and click on the Latest Updates button for direct links to these new tutorials. I am working to improve the experience of finding and viewing new content as updates are posted, so for the time being please go through the Latest Updates button in the members' area of the Classroom curriculum.

Details of New Updates The Theme Banners and Slideshows tutorial demonstrates several different methods by which a static banner image or slideshow of banner images can be utilized in different 3rd-party RapidWeaver themes. Several different themes are used in this tutorial to show the variety of methods that are available to customize the banner images and/or slideshows in a theme's header. This tutorial can be found in the Add-Ons > Themes section, under the Miscellaneous category on that page.

The Embedding a Responsive YouTube Video tutorial is located under the Continuing Education > How to... section of tutorials. If you want to embed a YouTube video in a responsive theme, you either need to use a Stacks page and a responsive YouTube stack, or you need to use a small amount of HTML and CSS code to make an embedded YouTube video responsive. A responsive YouTube stack is certainly an option on pages where you are using the Stacks 2 plugin, but the stack is not an option when you are working with a non-Stacks page. One great example is the Blog page, and so this video tutorial demonstrates how to embed a responsive YouTube video in a RapidWeaver Blog page. Of course this information applies to any page, including a Stacks 2 page, so you can use this method without the need for a YouTube stack altogether. All of the HTML and CSS code that you need is included in a couple of RapidWeaver snippets that I have made available for download, and that can be found immediately below the tutorial itself.

In Case You Missed It (Recent Updates) A series of 14 new tutorials covering the Stacks 2.5 plugin have been released over the past two weeks. I highly recommend these new tutorials for every RapidWeaver user! Click here to learn more about these Stacks 2.5 tutorials.

Coming Soon (Future Updates) Beginning next week, a number of new tutorials will be released, covering some excellent Stack Elements from Yabdab. I have a number of other Stack Elements tutorials planned, as well as new content for the SEO section and some exciting new training for the Grad School curriculum. Check back next week for more details.

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