The BackSnap Stack and Another RapidSearch Pro Tutorial
Overview of New Updates A new tutorial covering the BackSnap Stack and another RapidSearch Pro tutorial are now available to Classroom subscribers.
Instructions for Classroom Subscribers Login here to access your account, then navigate to the Classroom curriculum and click on the Latest Updates button for direct links to these new tutorials.
Details of New Updates The BackSnap Stack from Yabdab creates a rating and commenting system for your website. It can be especially useful when you are selling products and want your visitors to be able to rate the products and leave reviews, similar to how Apple does with its App Store, or Amazon with the products it sells. The stack is flexible in that you can accept ratings or comments only, or both, and it also creates an online admin area that you can use to moderate the comments. It is an impressive stack and I highly recommend it if you are looking for that kind of feature for your website.
I've also added another RapidSearch Pro tutorial covering the topic of adding search fields to other pages of your website. In last week's RapidSearch Pro tutorial we looked at how to add a search page to your website, and so this tutorial takes things a step further by placing a search field into other pages as well.
The RapidSearch Pro tutorial can be found in the Add-Ons > Miscellaneous section of the tutorials, while the BackSnap Stack tutorial is located in the Add-Ons > Social section.
In Case You Missed It (Recent Updates) Last week I made a few other updates to the Classroom membership area. You will now find a "Featured Tutorials" section on the Home page, and I've adjusted the styling of some elements throughout the tutorial sections, which I hope will improve the user experience as you navigate through the different tutorials. I have also been working to implement RapidSearch Pro in the membership area as another method of finding tutorials, but some hurdles related to the protection of the content has prevented that from being successful so far. I do hope to have this working relatively soon, but for the time being you can use your browser's Find function (CMD+F) on the Browse All page to search for tutorials.
A series of 14 new tutorials covering the Stacks 2.5 plugin were released in the first half of March. I highly recommend these new tutorials for every RapidWeaver user! Click here to learn more about these Stacks 2.5 tutorials.
The past couple of months have brought a number of other new tutorials: one covering the customization of banners or slideshows in the header of 3rd-party RapidWeaver themes, another discussing a method of embedding responsive YouTube videos, and there have been many new Stack Elements tutorials covering the PaySnap, MapSnap and DateSnap Stacks from Yabdab, the Content Fader Stack from DK Stacks, the PlayListr Stack from StackManiac, and the Jack Stack from Joe Workman. A couple of "How to..." tutorials on replacing an existing website and creating a mySQL database have also been added.
Coming Soon (Future Updates) I have a long list of new tutorials planned, but no definite decision yet about what will be released next week, so this time it's going to be a surprise!
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