RapidWeaver Classroom Updates

Lots of Updates to Share


It’s been a while since I posted here to the public RapidWeaver Classroom Blog, but there has been a lot going on and almost too much to share in a single blog post, so I will briefly summarize the updates here and if you want more details you can view the Members Blog that is available to subscribers.

Website Upgrade RapidWeaver Classroom moved to a new hosting server earlier this month. I am very happy to be with Javabean Hosting and RapidWeaver Classroom has never been faster!

Along with the server move, I have updated the members area to improve navigation throughout all of the tutorials, and there is now the option to view and search the full listing of tutorials on a single page.

New Tutorials A number of new tutorials have been posted to the Classroom curriculum in the past 6 weeks… SEO Tutorials: I highly recommend that everyone view these latest tutorials -- Google Places for Business and Geographic Targeting Elixir Stacks Tutorials: Four new tutorials on great Stack Elements from Elixir. StackManiac Stacks Tutorial: A new tutorial on the Viewr Stack. Yabdab Stacks Tutorials: Two new tutorials on stacks from Yabdab. Upcoming Tutorials I am producing more stacks tutorials for release on Friday of this week. I am also developing more new content for the Strategies section, as well as full coverage of the weaverPix plugin, a very impressive photo gallery option for RapidWeaver. Tutorial releases will be coming very regularly now that the server move is complete, and I will continue to post about updates here, so check back often!

Thanks for your support!

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