RapidWeaver Classroom Updates

FormLoom 2 and DateLoom Tutorials Added


New tutorials on the FormLoom 2 and DateLoom plugins from Yabdab are now available to RapidWeaver Classroom subscribers.

The DateLoom plugin creates a highly-customizable calendar on your website. You can post entries to the calendar directly through RapidWeaver, or you can import a Google calendar(s) and add/edit entries from anywhere using a browser. Imported Google Calendars can be styled with FormLoom 2, which provides themes to improve the default Google Calendar look.

FormLoom 2 improves on the original FormLoom plugin, providing much more flexibility than the Contact Form page that comes with RapidWeaver. One of the most impressive features of FormLoom 2 is the ability to customize the layout of a form on your website. You can build a form with multiple columns and even break-up a form into different sections. FormLoom 2 is very impressive and I recommend all RapidWeaver users to take a look at what it has to offer.

Overall, there are 6 new tutorials that come in at just under an hour, so you can expect a lot of detailed training on these plugins!

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