
Best in Class


Best in Class is a curated list of my "go-to" and highly recommended add-ons and tools for adding a variety of functionality to website projects. The products listed here are selected with multiple factors in mind: ease of use, quality, functionality, developer commitment and support.

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Page Safe Stack

9 minutes, 58 seconds
What does it do?

The Page Safe stack protects content behind a login, such as a PIN number or password. Only users who have been provided the credentials can access the content protected by Page Safe.

Why Best in Class?
  • Provides an easy solution for complex functionality
  • No complicated coding or server configuration necessary
  • Backed by Joe Workman's many years of developing add-ons for RapidWeaver

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Tardis Stack

8 minutes, 35 seconds
What does it do?

Tardis eases the burden of website maintenance by handling the addition and removal of time-sensitive content on your website. Simply let Tardis know when to show and/or hide content, so you don't have to remember to edit and republish that content on a specific schedule. It is an excellent solution for providing limited-time offers or scheduled events.

Why Best in Class?
  • Simplifies website maintenance
  • Helps ensure that visitors don't see outdated content
  • Backed by Joe Workman's many years of developing add-ons for RapidWeaver

What I'm Using

I'm frequently asked about the tools I use the most. These are on my "must-have" list for virtually every RapidWeaver user.

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